Code of Conduct

Corporate Governance

  • Commit the business operation with the good operating results that can create the profitability to the consistent growth and sustainable, the competency in competition, and the long-time increasing value for the shareholders.    
  • Perform the duty with integrity and equity to all shareholders for overall utmost benefits.
  • Manage and manipulate the knowledge and management skills to fully apply for all cases including the decision to take any action with transparent and caution.            
  • Report the financial position, performance, and non-financial performance of the corporate group to shareholders with equity, consistency, and accuracy.
  • No seeking for the personal interests and other person by using the company information which undisclosed to the public or do anything may cause a conflict of interests. 
  • Create the satisfaction and confidence to the customer to receive the good products and services with decent price and quantity and to raise the higher level with consistent and earnestness.    
  • Disclose the sufficient, precise, and up to dated information concerning the products and services without any distortion including maintaining the good and lasting relationship.
  • Delivery products within the agreed time and warranty the products and services within the proper time.  
  • Provide the complaints center for the customer and general public and provide the channel for customer satisfaction inquiry then conclude the feedback to analyse, regarding the products and services with quickly response to the customer and general public.
  • Set the fair commercial condition to the customer.
  • Keep confidential information of customer and not allow to utilize for own benefits or others as illegally.

Relations with Business Partners

  • Will not ask for, accept, or give any unlawful benefits from or to the business partners.
  • Strictly comply with the terms and conditions agreed upon by the business partners.
  • Take immediate actions to notify the business partners in case of failure to comply by using the reasonable principle.    
  • Consider respecting employees’ rights of suppliers/ creditors based on human rights principles such as non-discrimination, non-exploitation of forced labors and child labors. As well as, having comprehensive cares of the working conditions in employees’ safety, occupational health, and environment.
  • Monitor, assess quality, and exchange opinion/suggestion in economic, social, and environmental issues regularly with suppliers/contactors in order to support the business operation and Company’s sustainable growth together.

Relations with Competitors

  • Promote free and fair competition policy by complying with the rule of fair completion.
  • Do not seek for the competitor’s confidential information by any dishonest or inappropriate mean and do not defame or slander against the competitors’ reputation without any truthful proof. 
  • Adhere the honestly to comply with the conditions, contract and agreement agreed with the creditors strictly. No matter in the objective of fund spending, pay bank and other issues agreed with creditors under such conditions including relevant laws and regulations.
  • Report the complete and accurate financial status of corporate group to the creditors.
  • Notify the creditors should the corporate group fail to comply with the conditions under the contract in order to acquire solutions by adopting the principle of reasonableness to strengthen the stability, prevent the Company in the difficult situation and pay an important role for liquidity management in order to plan for the repayment to the creditor in specified period.
  • Comply with laws and other regulations in regarding employees strictly.
  • Offer fair remunerations to the employees regarding to the Company’s KPI (Key Performance Index) system and conforming to the Company's operating results in both short-term and long-term in form of salary, incentive and/or bonus payment.
  • Provide a good circumstance for their working, including safety in their life and belongings always and provide proper welfare under occupational health in workplace etc.
  • In considering to promote and remove position of all employees, including reward proposal and punishment, the Company shall make a decision with equity and honest in regarding to knowledge, competency and suitability of employees as criteria.    
  • Give priorities to development of employee's capabilities and knowledge sharing, and thoroughly and regularly provide employees with opportunities for the development.
  • Impartially and equally open to feedback and suggestions by all employees.
  • Manage the business and avoid all acts of unfairness which may affect the stability of duty and work of all employees.
  • Treat the employees with politeness and respect for the individuality and human's dignity.
  • Provide communication channels for the employees to report abuses or unlawful acts.  
  • Comply and coordinate or control as strictly to the purposes of law and regulations that mandated by regulatory bodies as well as obligations and standards associated with environmental, occupational health and safety including ISO 14001.
  • Consider the alternative for using the interest from natural resources that the Company attempts to run its business reducing any affects that may cause to social, environment and the quality of people.
  • Support to provide the campaigns and activities which have benefit to social and environment in kind of education, sport, religion, and others.     
  • Continually create consciousness among employees for corporate social responsibility and environment.
  • Give priorities to business partners who share the same will with the Company about the social and environmental responsibility.
  • Lead to support efficient energy saving practices for the future of the later generations as part of the core policies of the Company.
  • Pay attention to participating in community and social activities, it is necessary to enhance social, community and environmental development and energy preservation as well as to support on youth education and less-opportunity in social benefits are too essential to develop for strengthen and self-dependency.